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6.英语帮忙翻译一下啊 各位高手注意了50分!!!

7.英语阅读:4-Could the bad old days

8.英语作文 对油价税费改革的不同看法



1,the fall in the cost of living is directly related to the drop in the price of oil


2,world expos he played an important role in promoting international exchange


3, to be successful in a job interview,you should demonstrate certain professional qualities。


4, the australia pilion celebrated its Pilion Day with various performances at the Expo Center today


5,Exhibitions are held to display the splendid culture,modern urban life , and natural beauty of the country



With the aging of the North Sea oil fields, the oil supplies in global market are almost controlled by the "politically unstable nations". The United States labeled Islamic countries and the former Soviet Union countries as "unstable".Though it is still arguable whether above mentioned doing of the USA is resonable or not, the changes of political situation and revision of any possible regulations in those countries will certainly affect the oil price. Moreover, Iran and Iraq remain the powder-keg, quite readily setting off a war. Considering the situation in Nigeria, Venezuela and Sudan,each has its own paticular liability to "explosion."

Financial factors are the main driving force for the surgce of oil price. Five years before, the oil futures market is just an edge market for the hedging between oil manufacturer and dealers, and the daily trade amount was no more than 9 billion U.S. dollars,while today it became a major financial market trading140 billion u.s dollars a day. Five years before, the scale of oil fund is no more than 8 billion U.S. dollars, while today it reached more than 500 billion U.S. dollars. 10 years before, pension fund was invested mainly in the form of bonds, and its allocation for the stock market is quite limited. Bacially, every family own commodities nowadays. As for hedge funds, oil is the only one tpye of property continuing to make money this year, wherein the profits are easily perceived. Yet 70 percent of the futures contract, was owned by the giant financial capitalist that is not at all interested in the oil entity.

However,the s are more and more likely to interfere with this. Soaring oil prices, is no longer just the issue of financial market profiteering, but also more importantly a concern of people's livelihood,a political and social problem that the politicians of the whole world are focusing on. Governmenta can release oil reserves in joint effort all at a sudden, and they can also limit the speculative investments in the futures market. Such measures are against the market principles, but if the specvestments are leading to economic recession and social unstability, the Government may he to intervene.

As was the IT bubble,tangled by massive speculative funds,the market keeps growing with the rise of prices,until the expectable downturn occurs in prices. And once the expectable collapse hens, more great adjustments are needed shortly. I am afraid the rising of the oil prices may lead to global recession. I am also afraid of the sudden decline in oil prices, which may be a disastrous blow for many hedging funds and investment banks.Sudden sharp adjustment of oil prices would damage the financial market, perhaps as worse as the subprime lending crisis.









2、As the price of oil keeps _____,people he to pay more for driving a car.

A)to go up B)going up C)gone up D)go up

第二题我觉得选B 。 - - 。




析:只有keep doing sth. 这一种结构表示“不断做某事”。没有另三种用法。做对这题其实并不难。不知道“参考”答案是什么。

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In the past ten years, with the energy demand pressure is too large, the grim situation of oil prices climbed year after year, the main subject of the world shipbuilding industry focused on finding new energy and new energy exploration utilization methods and other aspects of energy sing, in. In essence, energy sing is one of the most important energy. Energy sing in foreign countries has been listed as following the coal, oil, natural gas, hydropower, nuclear power fifth kind of energy, but also as a direct and effective energy development.

英语帮忙翻译一下啊 各位高手注意了50分!!!

The Exon Standard Oil Company gains 45,200,000,000 US dollars

the year financial report which announced according to Exon Standard, although the past several month international oil prices fell suddenly the cause enterprise fourth quarter profit to drop 33%, but the company has still oained 45,200,000,000 US dollar year profits, is higher than 40,600,000,000 US dollars which in 2007 set a record, while maintained the whole world most to make money enterprise title, the second year renovated the whole world to be listed to gain continuously the record.

The Exon Standard Oil Company focuses in the cost control strategy enables it to resist this field compared to other enterprises “the cold winter”, its superintendent emphasized mining or refines the profit which each barrel crude oil can extract, this kind of management style lets the company gain in the high oil price time to more money, then provides the hen function in the market murky time.

英语阅读:4-Could the bad old days

Could?the?bad?old?days?of?economic? decline (下滑) ?be?about?to?return?Since?OPEC?agreed?to? supply(供应) - cuts (减少) ?in?March,? the?price?of? crude(原材料、原油) ?oil?has? jumped(上涨) ?to?almost?$26?a? barrel(桶) ,? up (上升) ?from?less?than?$10?last?December.?This?near- tripling (三倍的) ?of?oil?prices?calls?up?scary?memories?of?the?13?oil?shock,?when?prices? quadrupled(四倍的) ,?and?19-1980,?when?they?also?almost? tripled(三倍的) .?Both?previous?shocks?resulted?in?double- digit(数字)?inflation(通货膨胀)? and?global?economic? decline(衰退) .?So?where?are?the? headlines(标题) ?warning?of? gloom?and?doom (沮丧悲观) ?this?time?


减少:decline/ reduce /decrease/ cut down /lessen/depress/decay/minify/rebate /drop/sink/ cut/ abate

上升:rise/go /up/upward/jump/increase/add/augment /fortify/aggrandize/enhence/boost/increase / advance /impove /ascent

月份:一月January二月 February三月 Marcy四月 April五月 May六月 June七月 July八月 August九月 September十月 October十一月 November十二月 December

倍数:Single (1)? Double (2)? Triple (3)? Quadruple(4)? Quintuple or Pentuple (5)? Sextuple or Hextuple (6)? Septuple (7)? Octuple (8)? Nonuple (9)Decuple (10)Hendecuple or Undecuple (11)? Duodecuple (12)? Centuple (100)

deflation:通货紧缩? inflation:通货膨胀

Headlines:新闻标题? underline下划线,强调,突出

The?oil?price?was?given?another ?push?up(上升) ?this?week?when?Iraq?suspended(停止)?oil?exports.? Strengthening(强化、激励) ?economic? growth,?at?the?same?time?as? winter?grips(冬季到来,grips抓紧) ?the?northern ?hemisphere(半球) ,?could ?push(上升) ?the?price?higher?still?in?the?short?term.


Yet?there?are?good?reasons?to? expect (期待、认为、预料) ?the?economic?consequences(后果)?now?to?be ?less ? severe(严重、严峻) ?than?in?the?10s.?In?most?countries?the?cost(成本)?of? crude?oil (原油) ?now? accounts?for (占) ?a?smaller?share?of?the?price?of? petrol (汽油) ?than?it?did?in?the?10s.? In?Europe, ?taxes(税收)?account?for (占) ?up?to?four-fifths?of?the ?retail (零售) ?price,?so? even (甚至、即使) ? quite (表肯定) ?big?changes?in?the?price?of? crude (原油) ? he?a?more ?muted (缓和) ?effect?on? pump?prices (汽油价格) ?than?in?the?past.

expect(期待、认为、预料) except:除…之外




quite:非常,相当,很,确实如此 quiet:安静

effect:效果,影响,印象,所有物,引发,产生 effort:工作;努力,尝试; 成就; 杰作


Rich?economies?are?also?less?dependent?on?oil?than?they?were,?and?so?less?sensitive?to? swings (摇摆、波动) ?in?the?oil?price.? Energy? conservation (节约) ,?a? shift (改变、替代) ?to?other?fuels?and?a?decline? in?the?importance?of?hey (重要性) ,? energy-intensive?industries (能源密集型重工业) ?he?reduced?oil? consumption (消耗量) .?Software,? consultancy(咨询行业) ?and?mobile?telephones?use?far?less?oil?than? steel(钢) ?or?car? production.?For?each?dollar?of?GDP?(in? constant(不间断的、不变的) ?prices)?rich?economies?now?use?nearly?50%?less?oil?than?in?13.?The?OECD ?estimates(估计) ?in?its?latest?Economic?Outlook?that,?if?oil?prices?eraged?$22?a ?barrel(桶) ?for?a?full? year,? compared?with?$13?in?1998,?this?would?increase?the?oil?import?bill?in?rich?economies?by?only?0.25-0.5%?of?GDP.?That?is?less?than?one-quarter?of?the?income?loss?in?14?or?1980.?On?the?other?hand,?oil-importing? emerging?economies?—?to?which?hey?industry?has? shifted(转向) ?—?he?become?more?energy-intensive,?and?so?could?be?more? seriously? squeezed(挤压) .?

Import:输入;进口? export: 出口,输出


One?more?reason?not?to? lose?sleep?over(担忧) ?the?rise?in?oil?prices?is?that,? unlike(不像) ?the?rises?in?the?10s,?it?has?not ?occurred(发生) ?against ?the?background?of?(以…为背景) general? commodity-price(物价) ? inflation(通货膨胀) ?and?global? excess?(超过)demand(需求) .?A? sizable(相当多) ?portion?of?the?world?is?only?just? emerging?from(摆脱出来) ?economic?decline.?The?Economist's ?commodity(商品) ?price?index? is?broadly?unchanging?from?a?year?ago.?In?13? commodity(商品) ?prices? jumped(暴涨) ?by?70%,?and?in?19?by?almost?30%.

发生:hen/occur/take place/come up/turn up/ arise/ chance/befall/come off/be set/bring to pass

deflation:通货紧缩? inflation:通货膨胀 excess?

超过:exceed/surpass/more than/override/overrun/overtake/outstrip

出现: emerge /ear/arise/grow/turn up

一部分:a portion?of/a part of/partial


英语作文 对油价税费改革的不同看法

Oil tax reform

January 1 refined oil prices since the implementation of tax reform, oil prices did not increase, but the various sectors of the reform program has been mixed. Embody the oil tax reform and more and more tax, reform of taxes and fees for oil prices after the implementation of the impact, we think it is more reasonable oil prices, the additional fuel tax and the abolition of the maintenance fee was basically the same, the cost of keeping a car impact Great.

Reform program has given full consideration to the interests of all parties, especially the countries from January 1 to lower gas prices ahead of schedule to implement, but also highlights the principle of giving benefits to the people. The oil tax reform reflects the "multi-fuel, multi-tax; less fuel and less tax," the principle of a fair tax burden will be beneficial to society as a whole energy-sing awareness of emission reduction.

Transport enterprises of "worries" under the current situation in the finished oil tax reform, a more reasonable timing. Passenger motor vehicle industry, refined oil tax reform is a good thing. Oil tax reform before the introduction of No. 0 diesel price to 6.03 yuan a liter, but also to pay road maintenance fees and other costs. But tax and fee reform, road maintenance, passenger surcharge, transported tube is not only not he to pay fees, and oil prices also dropped to 4.88 yuan per liter. Which is not difficult to see, enterprise burden indeed a substantial margin.

However, due to uncertainty over oil prices, road transport enterprises to implement tax reform finished oil prices he the potential concerns, and that is changing oil prices. If the current 4.88 yuan per liter for diesel prices to adapt to the international oil price of 47 U.S. dollars a barrel standard, then, if international oil prices rose to 94 U.S. dollars, domestic oil prices if it will be doubled? If so, the pressure of the passenger business is unbearable.

In addition, the implementation of tax and fee reform, the secondary road charges will be withdrawn in an orderly manner, but "orderly withdrawal" is how a concept or make it difficult to understand. On the current situation in the province, highway fees or very common, many secondary roads toll stations he not yet withdrawn.

