







 1. 出租车起步价 flag down fare

 2. 法定准备金率 required reserve ratio

 3. 实体经济 real economy 虚拟经济 fictitious economy

 4. 反盗版 anti-piracy 知识产权 intellectual property rights

 5. 出口退税 tax rebates 人民币升值 the yuan?s appreciation

 6. 信贷紧缩 credit crunch 次贷危机 subprime mortgage rate 最优惠贷款利率 prime rate

 7. 翻盖手机 flip/clamshell 滑盖手机 slide phone 直板手机 bar phone

 8. 经济适用房 economically affordable house

 9. 安居工程 housing project for low-income urban residents

 10 .住房保障制度 housing security system

 11. 大宗交易系统 block trading system 竞价交易系统 bid trading system

 12. 暴利税 windfall tax

 13. 整容手术 cosmetic surgery (face ?lifting)

 14. 双眼皮手术 double eyelid operation 鼻子手术 nose job

 15. 从紧的货币政策 tight monetary policy

 16. 宽松的货币政策 easy monetary policy

 17. 审慎的财政政策 prudent fiscal policy

 18. 油价飙升 oil prices surge

 19. 原油价飙升 crude oil prices surge

 20. 石油输出国组织 organization of the petroleum exporting countries(OPEC)

 21. 原油储备 crude oil stockpiles

 22. 轻质原油 light sweet crude

 23. 使人均GDP翻两番 to quadruple per capita GDP

 24. 股权收购、股权投资 stake purchase ; take stakes

 25. 世界巡演 worldwide tour 复出巡演 comeback tour

 26. 个体工商户 self?employed people

 27. 房屋中介 letting agent 保险经纪人 insurance agent 地产经纪人 estate agent

 28. 直销 direct selling 传销 pyramid selling

 29. 漫游费 roaming fee 单向收费 one -way charge 来电免费业务 free incoming calls

 30. 吃回扣 to take/receive/get kickback

 31. 洗钱 money laundering

 32. 透支 overdraft

 33. 股市牛年 bullish year

 34. 上市子公司 listed subsidiary

 35. 海关税收 customs revenue

 36. 税收减免 tax break

 37. 二流货的 cut?rate

 38. 高端产品 high end product

 39. 货币升值 revaluation

 40. 跳槽 job?popping

 41. 大片 blockbuster

 42. 货币经纪人 money broker

 43. 起征点 cutoff point

 44. 暴发户;新贵 upstart

 45. 养老保险 endowment insurance

 46. 解雇金 severance pay

 47. 勾销债款 write off

 48. 高峰期 peak season

 49. 职员总数 headcount

 50. 买入股票 buy into

 51. 出境游 outbound travel

 52. 逃税 tax evasion

 53. 公开募款 initial public offering

 54. 新闻专线 newswire

 55. 衰退 downturn

 56. 由?推出 bow out

 57. 便携式游戏机 PSP

 58. 负有责任的 accountable

 59. 精炼厂,炼油厂 refinery

 60. 杀手 hit man

 61. 官方证明书 clearance

 62. 家禽流行病 epizonntic

 63. 辞职;下台 step down

 64. 门户网站 portal

 65. 小轿车 sedan

 66. 战略石油储备 strategic petroleum reserve

 67. 半导体 semiconductor

 68. 基准点,衡量标准 benchmark

 69. 出口补贴 export subsidy

 70. 对?不太重视 play down

 71. 记账卡,签帐卡 charge card

 72. 反托拉斯 anti?trust

 73. 资产负债表 balance sheet

 74. 最佳位置 最佳时期 sweet spot

 75. 货存,库存量 inventory

 76. 集体诉讼 class action

 77. 反倾销 antidumping

 78. 不足,赤字,差额 shortfall

 79. 美国联邦储备系统 Federal Reserve

 80. 资本净值 net worth

 81. 汇丰银行 HSBC

 82. 国际货币基金组织 IMF

 83. 财务欺诈 accounting fraud

 84. 国际套利资本 hot money


 营销中心的沟通职责 the communication responsibility of the marketing center

 顾客需求信息:demand information of customers

 新品信息:information of new products

 竞品情况:situation of compatible products

 品种计划:variety plan

 市场环境信息:information of the market environment

 行业发展情况:developing situation of the industry

 市场细分:subdivision of the market

 市场定位:market positioning

 顾客购买习惯:purchasing habits of customers

 顾客购买力:purchasing power of customers

 顾客满意信息:satisfaction information of customers

 订货信息:information of ordering goods

 顾客投诉:customers? complaints

 营销员培训要求:training request for the marketing employee

 经销商培训要求:training request for the distributor

 员工素质分析:workers? educational level analysis

 设计处:design division

 市场部:market department



 研发中心:research and invention center


 定型:finalize the design

 营销中心:marketing center

 生产中心:production center

 供应部:supply department

 市场部:market department

 广告媒体:advertisement media

 营销中心:marketing center

 广告处:advertisement division

 营销大区:large section of marketing

 品牌规划:trademark plan

 财务部:financial department

 业务部:business department

 供应部:supply department

 需求计划:requirements planning

 生产中心:production center

 储运部:warehousing and transportation department

 业务部:business department

 品质部:quality department

 相关分厂:relevant branch factory

 业务部:business department

 人力资源部:human resources department

 培训实施:implement of the training


 研发中心的沟通职责 the communication responsibility of the research and invention center

 竞品情况:situation of compatible products

 新原料情况:situation of new material

 新技术情况:situation of new technology

 新原理情况:situation new principle

 市场要求:requirement of the market

 指令下达:send down the instruction

 各研发部:each research and invention department

 研发中心:research and invention center

 研发计划:research and invention plan

 新品:new products


 市场部:market department

 定型:finalize the design

 研发中心:research and invention center


 生产中心:production center

 供应部:supply department

 品质部:quality department

 财务部:financial department

 原材料进货:raw and processed materials merchandise purchases

 品质部:quality department


 供应部:supply department

 中心化验室:central laboratory


 储运处:warehousing and transportation division

 生产现场:field of production

 品质部:quality department



 生产分厂:production branch factory

 产成品:finished goods

 品质部:quality department

 储运处:warehousing and transportation division


 顾客投诉:customers? complaints

 品质部:quality department

 中心化验室:central laboratory

 生产分厂:production branch factory

 制定纠正措施:establishing rectification measures

 品质培训计划:quality training plan

 品质培训quality training

 生产中心的沟通职责 the communication responsibility of the production center

 人力资源部:human resources department

 营销中心:marketing center

 供应部:supply department

 人员供应:personnel supply


 要货计划:goods demand plan

 原料供应:raw material supply

 研发中心:research and invention center

 生产工艺:manufacturing technique

 生产中心:production center

 原料储存:raw material storage

 储运处:warehousing and transportation division

 设备处:facility division

 调度计划:dispatching plan

 品质部:quality department

 各生产分厂:each production branch factory

 各生产班组:each production team

 储运处:warehousing and transportation division

 员工素质:educational level of workers

 员工培训要求:workers? training requirement

 各生产分厂:each production branch factory

 生产中心:production center

 人力资源部:human resources department

 培训计划:training plan

 培训实施:training implementing

 生产中心:production center

 质量标准:quality standard

 消耗标准:consumption standard

 产量标准 output standard

 现场标准:field standard

 纪律标准 discipline standard

 培训标准 training standard

 其它标准 other standards

 各制面分厂:each noodle producing branch factory

 各生产班组:each production team


 人力资源部:human resources department

 生产中心:production center

 人力资源部的沟通职责 the communication responsibility of the human resources department

 各部门人员需求:personnel demand of each department

 人员需求规划:personnel demand plan

 人员变动情况:personnel alteration situation

 人力资源部:human resources department

 信息发布:information release

 广告媒体:advertisement media

 人员需求规划:personnel demand plan

 公司各部门:each department of the company

 内部招聘:recruitment inside the company

 外部招聘:recruitment outside the company

 岗前培训:training before taking the job

 公司各部门:each department of the company

 公司各部门培训规划:training plan of each department of the company

 员工素质调查:investigation of workers? educational level

 公司培训要求:training requirement of the company

 人力资源部:human resources department

 培训计划:training plan

 培训实施:training implementing


 公司各部门:each department of the company

 各用人部门:each staffing department

 工作表现:task performance

 工作纪律:task discipline

 工作成绩:task achievement

 人力资源部:human resources department

 转岗:job transfer

 晋降职:promotion or demotion


 晋降薪:salary increase or decrease

 其它激励:other inspiritment

 解聘:dismissal from employment




 相关部门审批:examine and approved by relevant department

 人力资源部:human resources department

 办理手续:fulfilling formalities

 相关部门:relevant department

 离职:leave the post

 公司新闻:company?s news

 公司报刊:company?s newspaper

 外来文件:exterior documents

 内部文件:interior documents

 会议精神:spirit of the meeting

 报刊信件:newspapers and letters

 宣传材料:propaganda materials

 行政部administrative department

 各相关部门:each relevant department

 基层员工:employees of grass roots

 基层员工:employees of grass roots

 合理化建议:rationalization proposal

 各部门:each department

 行政部administrative department

 方针政策:guidelines and policies

 上级领导:superior leaders


 新闻单位:press units

 政府人员: agents

 行政部administrative department

 相关部门:relevant department

 供应部的沟通责任 the communication responsibility of the supply department

 营销中心:marketing center

 生产中心:production center

 研发中心:research and invention center

 基建处:capital construction division

 各部门:each department

 促销品:sales promotion products

 原材料:raw and processed materials

 研发材料:research and invention materials

 基建材料:capital construction materials

 办公用品:office supplies

 供应部:supply department


 对供应商的评价:appraisement to the suppliers

 董事会:board of directors


 企业特别助理:special assistant of the enterprise

 行政副总裁:administrative deputy president

 财务副总裁:financial deputy president

 企划部:Enterprise Planning Department

 营销中心:marketing center

 人力资源部:human resources department

 储运部:warehousing and transportation department

 生产中心:production center

 供应部:supply department

 监察委:supervision committee

 研发中心:research and invention center

 行政部administrative department

 财务部:financial department

 审计部:audit department

 平面设计处:Graphic Design Division

 广告处:advertisement Division

 品牌规划处:trademark planning Division

 市场部:market department

 各营销大区:each large section of marketing

 业务部:business department

 各制面分厂:each noodle producing branch factory

 各分公司:each branch company

 设备处:facility division

 动力工程处:power engineering division

 质量管理处:quality control division

 各研发部:each research and invention department

 中心实验室:central laboratory

 外联处:exterior communication division



Dear Mr./Miss.

Could you please send us a Mountain Bike catagory and latest price list. We are interested in both men's and lady's bike. It is very popular for riding bikes in the city, therefore, a large quantity of bikes are needed. Also, another thing is the petrol price getting higher and higher, possibly more and more people will use bikes instead of vehicles. If the quality of your bike is satisfied and your offer is competitive, we are planing to make a big order.

Looking forward to hear from you. Appreciate for your help.

Sincerely yours



1. Cool一点的英文句子

love three things in this world,the sun ,the moon and you.The sun for the day,the moon for the night,and you forever!*For the world you are somebody,but for somebody you are the world!*I opend my wallet and found it empty,reached into my pocket and found a few coins,searched my life and I found you!Then I realized how rich I am.*I drop a tear in the ocean and the day you find it is the day I will stop loving you !*People laugh and people cry,some say hi while some bye,some give up and some always try,others may forget you but never will I.。

2. 有没有一些酷一点的英语句子

The problems of your past,are you business.

The problems of your future , are my privilege.


You are the love of my life, everything I have

and everything I am

is yours,forever. 选自老爸老妈的浪漫史


3. Cool 一点的英文句子

love three things in this world, the sun ,the moon and you. The sun for the day, the moon for the night, and you forever!

*For the world you are somebody, but for somebody you are the world!

*I opend my wallet and found it empty, reached into my pocket and found a few coins, searched my life and I found you! Then I realized how rich I am.

*I drop a tear in the ocean and the day you find it is the day I will stop loving you !

*People laugh and people cry, some say hi while some bye, some give up and some always try, others may forget you but never will I.

4. 请提供下最酷的英语短句~~


年轻人常用口头禅1. It's cool:cool 是青少年(teen-agers) 常用的字,(有时也用 debonaire) 其真正意思是指可以接受的好事;或是情况可以控制;或是保持冷静、文雅、礼貌、外表不错,能够合乎年轻人的标准。(可指人或事物)也就是 something good or acceptable;situation is under control;being calm, gentle, courteous or good-looking;meet teen's standard. 所以可以说: That's cool;he is cool;this is cool. Skydiving (或surfing) is cool.(跳伞或冲浪运动很不错) 主词可用任何人称的单复数 (I, we, they 等),动词可用 verb to be 的任何时态 (is, was, were, will be, have been等)。

因此,也可以说: She (He) was cool in the past. That's a cool T-shirt.(好看的运动衫) He (she) is a cool person.(文雅礼貌的人) 但是如果说:Are you cool?又是指「你冷吗?」(cool = cold),可见 cool 当口头禅或俚语时,多半不用在问句。假如说: She looks as cool as a cucumber. 又是恭维语,是说她很 calm and charming; not emotional. 但为何用黄瓜 (cucumber) 代表,则不得而知。

(注:许多华人把 cool 译成「很酷」) 2. Are you trippin'?:trippin' 这个字,是由动词 trip 演变而来。(动词时态是:tripped, tripping)年轻人用省略符号 (apostrophe ) 代替 g,表示是 slang,或口头禅。

这个字是现在分词当形容词用,是指行为异乎寻常,也许受到或喝酒的影响,而显得神魂颠倒、奇形怪状(to get high on drug such as LSD),也就是说:要不是受到药、酒的影响,你为什 显得这样古怪呢?(Are you under any influence of drug or alcoholic? Why are you so crazy and bizarre?) 所以可以说: They are trippin'. (= tripping) She (he) is trippin'. Mr. A must be trippin'. 通常只用在年轻人身上,而且不是恭维语。 3. He is a nerd:nerd 是指一些年轻人,每天只懂读书、考试,但对生活上的其他事情,都很生疏。

(A person always buries his nose in books, but not good at social situations.) 由於美国十分重视多方面发展的教育 (well-rounded),所以许多老外认为 nerd 虽然学识不错,但很乏味;有IQ,但缺乏EQ,只是社会上无足轻重的「书虫」或「」而已。(IQ = Intelligence Quotient ; EQ = Emotional Quotient) nerd 可用复数,动词也能用其他时态。

因此可以说: He used to be a nerd in high school. (过去他在高中时是位书呆子) Many Chinese students are(或 have been)considered nerds. 至於 geek 这个字,虽然与 nerd 相似,年轻人也常用,但 geek 是指在某一方面有很高的 IQ。我们可以说: He is a computer geek. (意思是:虽然他是书呆子,但电脑很棒) 另外,年轻人还用 jerk 这个字,通常是指没有社交技巧,头脑简单或古怪,令人讨厌的家伙(annoying person),如果你不喜欢一个人,就可以说: I don't like him because he is a jerk. 也可以用复数: Many jerks are working in our company. 主词也可以用其他人称,动词也可用其他时态: They are jerks; He was a jerk in the past; Mr. A has been jerk for years. (注:有时年轻人也用 dork 这个字,但不如 jerk 流行) 4. Yo baby:Yo baby 是许多年轻的黑人男子对女子的招呼语,也有人用“Yo baby, yo baby yo”,由於女子很漂亮,很吸引人,他想与她交谈。

(He thinks she is pretty and attractive, so he wants to speak to her.),也就是找话题,想要「打开话匣」。(to use as a form of opening line or pick-up line or to begin a greeting; try to know her or date her) 如果说: Yo baby, are you trippin'? 意思是:漂亮的姑娘,你的样子有点怪里怪气,有什么心事吗? “Yo baby" 后面可跟任何可以「打开话匣」的句子。

诸如:May I help you with something? I think I have met you somewhere before. 同理,如果年轻女子看到帅哥,有吸引力,很想与他交谈,那么就用:“Hey, hey, hey" 后跟任何可以「打开话匣」的句子。诸如: Hey, hey, hey, what's going on?“what is going on?”就是年轻黑人打招呼的用语 (a form of greeting or open statement) 或 Hey, hey, hey, are you going to the movie?(帅哥,你是去看**吗?) 5. Catch you later!这是年轻人说「再会」的口语。

(a form to say“good乡bye”) 也就是说:现在没有时间与你交谈,以后再谈吧!(I don't have time to talk with you now, but we can talk later.) 因此,catch 就是 talk 或 contact 的意思。catch 后面,也可用其他人称代名词(him, her, them 等) 有时年轻小伙子也用:I am off. 意思就是:I am leaving now; I'll talk to you again. (我要走了,再谈吧!)。

5. 求常用的比较酷的英语短句

damn it!


go to hell!


what the hell are you doing?


you will pay for what you did!


come on! are you kidding?


get out of my way!


put your hands on your head, or I will fire!


6. 寻英语酷词,讲一些酷的英语

1 What's your problem?


2 Are you insane/crazy/out of your mind?


3 What's the meaning of this?


4 Who do you think you are talking to?


5 Don't look at me like that!


6 I wish I 'd never met you!


7 Don't give me your attitude!


8 We're through!


9 You're way too much!


10 That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard!



With the aging of the North Sea oil fields, the oil supplies in global market are almost controlled by the "politically unstable nations". The United States labeled Islamic countries and the former Soviet Union countries as "unstable".Though it is still arguable whether above mentioned doing of the USA is resonable or not, the changes of political situation and revision of any possible regulations in those countries will certainly affect the oil price. Moreover, Iran and Iraq remain the powder-keg, quite readily setting off a war. Considering the situation in Nigeria, Venezuela and Sudan,each has its own paticular liability to "explosion."

Financial factors are the main driving force for the surgce of oil price. Five years before, the oil futures market is just an edge market for the hedging between oil manufacturer and dealers, and the daily trade amount was no more than 9 billion U.S. dollars,while today it became a major financial market trading140 billion u.s dollars a day. Five years before, the scale of oil fund is no more than 8 billion U.S. dollars, while today it reached more than 500 billion U.S. dollars. 10 years before, pension fund was invested mainly in the form of bonds, and its allocation for the stock market is quite limited. Bacially, every family own commodities nowadays. As for hedge funds, oil is the only one tpye of property continuing to make money this year, wherein the profits are easily perceived. Yet 70 percent of the futures contract, was owned by the giant financial capitalist that is not at all interested in the oil entity.

However,the s are more and more likely to interfere with this. Soaring oil prices, is no longer just the issue of financial market profiteering, but also more importantly a concern of people's livelihood,a political and social problem that the politicians of the whole world are focusing on. Governmenta can release oil reserves in joint effort all at a sudden, and they can also limit the speculative investments in the futures market. Such measures are against the market principles, but if the specvestments are leading to economic recession and social unstability, the Government may have to intervene.

As was the IT bubble,tangled by massive speculative funds,the market keeps growing with the rise of prices,until the expectable downturn occurs in prices. And once the expectable collapse happens, more great adjustments are needed shortly. I am afraid the rising of the oil prices may lead to global recession. I am also afraid of the sudden decline in oil prices, which may be a disastrous blow for many hedging funds and investment banks.Sudden sharp adjustment of oil prices would damage the financial market, perhaps as worse as the subprime lending crisis.

